Leased Line

Leased Line is capable of carrying any kind of information ranging from conventional data to voice or video transmission and represents adequate solution for customers engages with continuous data transfer between locations. Service is available for wholesale and corporate customers, demanding a high-quality, secure and reliable solution. Committed bandwidth is guaranteed end-to-end. Service may include protection upon customer request.


The service is suitable for customers who require

  • a transparent connection
  • highly secure connectivity (point-to-point)
  • guaranteed committed bandwidth



Netbone Carrier’s Leased Line service is provided on standard SDH or Ethernet interface regardless of CPE is provided by Netbone Carrier or Customer. Bandwidths between 2Mbps and 10Gbps, with Synchronous Digital Hierarchy (SDH) and Ethernet interface options can be provided. Bandwidth can be upgraded efficiently when it is needed.


With SDH and Ethernet interface options, one of the below two solution options is provided for Netbone Carrier’s Leased Line service.


Pure SDH solution that refers to standard leased line service

Ethernet over SDH (EoSDH) refers to point-to-point Ethernet services over an SDH backbone where native Ethernet is transported with no need to route at network edges and all Ethernet features are maintained. With EoSDH solution, full transparency and MTU of 9000 bytes over Netbone Carrier backbone is granted.



  • High security and dedicated bandwidth
  • Wide geographic reach with terrestrial and submarine (SMW-3, MedNautilus) routes
  • Flexible bandwidth options from 2Mbps to 10Gbps (Sub-E1 capacity is available with preliminary feasibility study)
  • Protected, unprotected and diverse solution
  • Established relationships with local providers
  • Strong partnership with other carriers
  • Guaranteed service level agreements
  • Available technical support for 24 hours a day, 7 days a week